Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons
ANZSCTS ASM 2015 - Online Abstract Submission

Welcome to the Online Abstract Submission Form for ANZSCTS ASM 2015.

Please take a moment to follow the instructions carefully, as some areas will differ slightly from previous years.

Step 1 of 7: Instructions for Presenters

Note: It is recommended that you read and then print these instructions to act as a handy guide to submitting an abstract

Subject to your approval on the abstract submission page, all abstracts accepted for verbal presentation / poster will be published in the final program.
  1. The title should be brief and explicit.
  2. Include author(s) and indicate presenting author.
  3. Research papers should follow the format - Purpose, Methodology, Results, Conclusion.
  4. Excluding title, authors (full given first name and family name) and institution, the abstract must not exceed 1,750 characters and spaces (approximately 250 words). In MS Word, this count can be determined from the 'Tools menu'. Any references must be included in this allowance. If you exceed this limit, the excess text will NOT appear in the abstract book.
  5. Abbreviations should be used only in common terms. For uncommon terms, the abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word.
  6. Presentations (slide and video) will only have electronic PowerPoint support. Audio visual instructions will be available in the meeting registration brochure and in correspondence sent to all successful authors.
  7. A 50 word CV is required from each presenter to facilitate the Chair's introduction. The excess text will not be captured by the system.
  8. Tables, diagrams, graphs, etc. CANNOT be accepted in the abstract submission. This is due to the limitations of the computer software program.
  9. Please do not type in your abstract onto the submission page. Being internet based, each page on the submission site can only be open for 15 minutes before closing. Type your submission on a text document (eg. MS Word) and copy and paste it into the abstract text field.
  11. Authors are required to declare conflict of interest if applicable. Failure or refusal to disclose or the inability to resolve the identified conflict will result in the abstract acceptance being withdrawn.
  12. Amendments to abstracts after submission are not guaranteed.
  13. To move between fields use either the "TAB" key on your computer or click on the field you wish to change using your mouse or trackpad.
    Avoid using the "ENTER" or "RETURN" keys, as this may submit your abstract inadvertently.
  14. The acceptance, timing, presentation and discussion of all papers and posters is at the discretion of the Organising Committee.


The submitting author of an abstract will ALWAYS receive email confirmation of receipt of the abstract into the submission site. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours it may mean the abstract has not been received. In this circumstance, please email ( to determine why an email confirmation has not been received.


Closing date for all abstract submission consideration is 23 August 2015.

Please note that paper or facsimile copies will not be accepted, nor will abstracts be submitted by meeting staff on behalf of authors.

If there are any difficulties regarding this process, please email for assistance.

Abstract submission opens:May 2015
Closure for all abstracts:Sunday 23 August 2015
Closure of early registration:Sunday 25 October 2015


Please click on the button below to begin, where you will be given the opportunity to enter your personal details, and submit your abstract. If you have already submitted an abstract for this meeting you will be given the option to update your details and submit additional abstracts.

You will be asked to identify yourself via your email address, so please have this ready.